Category Archives: News

NEWS ALERT: Ellory calls Hard Twisted

Bestselling UK crime fiction write RJ Ellory just finished my new book, Hard Twisted, and had this to say:

“Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Mailer, Capote and Berendt, Greaves has crafted a McCarthy-esque non-fiction novelisation that is,  at once, both timeless and classic.  A truly extraordinary accomplishment, and a wonderful, wonderful book.  I was left speechless.”

Thank you, RJ.

Inspiration in Memoriam

Where do fictional characters come from?  More often than writers would care to admit, they come from real life, whether consciously or unconsciously, as a whole or in part.  Take HUSH MONEY‘s Russ Dinsmoor for example.  Here is my eulogy to the real-life Don Mike Anthony.

He passed away on June 1.

Verdict on a Cover

The art director of Minotaur Books posted this fascinating entry about the evolution of the cover and packaging of HUSH MONEY, the first in a series.

When the subject of cover art for HUSH MONEY first came up, I immediately thought of a Pasadena artist named R. Kenton Nelson, whose work I admire greatly. I went as far as to contact Kenton, who expressed interest, but, alas, too late, as the folks at St. Martin’s Press had already begun working with John. Continue reading